Habilitation and inauguration subject strojárstvo

Basic information

Guaranted by: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Study field: Mechanical Engineering
Academic degrees: doc. prof.
Scientific board of faculty
Link to current hablitation and inaugural criteria
A link to the previous text with an indication of validity
Rules and procedures of the habilitation procedure and the inauguration
Link to completed procedures and their results
Additional information on faculty web

Persons responsible for the habilitation and inauguration subject


The field of study includes knowledge related to a wide range of knowledge in the field of theory of mechanics and construction of machines of various purposes, engineering and production technologies, engineering metrology and engineering and quality management, automation technology, information technology in technology, as well as process and industrial engineering, materials engineering, energy , environmental, safety technology and other areas of mechanical engineering. The main topics of the core knowledge of the study field are: applied mechanics, parts and mechanisms of machines, engineering and production technologies, materials, limit states of materials as a theoretical basis for designing machines, industrial engineering and production quality. The habilitation and inaugural student is able to solve scientific tasks of basic and applied research in the field of mechanical engineering. The acquired knowledge can be applied, for example, to the areas of all types of production, transport or energy machines and equipment, such as motor vehicles, rolling stock, ships or aircraft, as well as production, agricultural and forestry technology, but also engineering technologies, materials and material limit states , microtechnologies and nanotechnologies, construction of machine tools and tools, environmental technology, automation and robotic lines and devices, process technology, production technologies, industrial engineering, measurement, metrology, safety of technical systems, quality assurance of processes, products and services, etc. Creativity and innovativeness in the field of mechanical engineering is also characterized by the massive application of intelligent industry tools and the application of the latest technologies and methodologies in the creation of new outputs in this field. The habilitation and inaugural candidate is able to independently critically and analytically assess new solutions and formulate new hypotheses and strategies for further research and development in the current conditions of the field of mechanical engineering and is able to present the outputs of his creative activity in front of the domestic and foreign scientific community. Awarded title: doc., prof.

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