Study programme výrobná technika
Basic information
Study programme in national registry: výrobná technikaGuaranted by: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Study field: Mechanical Engineering
Level of degree: 3
Form of study: present
Degree: PhD.
Length of study in years: 4
Professionally oriented: No
Joint study programme: No
Languages of delivery: slovak language
Graduate profile
DescriptionGraduate of the Production Technology study program in PhD. degree is competent to develop, research, analyze, design, simulate, implement and innovate production technology in coordination with peripheral devices. The graduate has in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge, based on the current state of science and technology. He is able to continue to develop his abilities, their creative application in the performance of a profession of a scientific and technical nature. The specific structure of the study program and the content of the individual subjects of the study program, the teaching methods used ensure the fulfillment of the goals for the third level of university studies as defined in the description of the study field. The graduate completes a study stay at an external institution abroad, where he gained new experience and established new contacts in the field, which provides a prerequisite for a broad perspective in the scientific field. The graduate completes the curriculum of the program, where the focus of education is adapted to the current requirements of practice.
Learning objectives
A graduate of the study program "Manufacturing Technology" in the third degree has an in-depth knowledge of the methodology of construction and design of production machines and equipment, knows how to modify, as necessary, the methods of calculations, simulations and verification of model solutions for the projection and construction of production machines and equipment. He has knowledge of construction materials, components and modules of production machines and equipment and their synthesis. It can model and simulate the virtual mechanisms of production machines and equipment and their interaction with the environment. He knows the methods, techniques and means of managing production machines and production systems. Able to analyze problems, design, construct and maintain large-scale technical solutions involving production machinery and equipment. He is able to manage teams of workers in this area, independently lead even large projects and take responsibility for complex solutions.
Main learning outcomes
Knowledge, experience and competences of a PhD graduate. degrees of the Production Technology study program allow him to apply not only in construction, design and operational practice as a creative scientist, but also as a manager of work teams, in development activities, as a manager of highly sophisticated production operations. The graduate is able to apply and develop methods, techniques and means of designing and managing production machines and production systems. Able to analyze problems, design, construct and maintain large-scale technical solutions involving production machinery and equipment. The graduate has the abilities and skills of a scientific worker with critical thinking. The graduate is also ready to act as an independent entrepreneur in research and development in his professional profile. The graduate understands the needs of the knowledge society, through the development of innovative forms of education and the development of active cooperation with foreign partners as well as with the private sector, for the needs of requirements from industry, scientific and development institutions.
Professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion.
- Riadiaci pracovník výskumnej inštitúcie
- Riadiaci pracovník (manažér) v oblasti výskumu a vývoja inde neuvedený
- Riadiaci pracovník (manažér) výskumu, vývoja a technického rozvoja vo výrobe
- Iný riadiaci pracovník (manažér) v špecializovaných službách inde neuvedený
- Odborný asistent vysokej školy 8
- Riadiaci pracovník (manažér) výskumu a vývoja v informa... 8
Evaluation of the study programme graduates employabilityEmployment of graduates as of 06/2022: Graduation year: 2010 Ing. Alexander Voroňko, PhD., department "automation and control" - Chief designer, KYBERNETES, s.r.o., Košice Graduation year: 2014 Ing. Boris Jobbágy, PhD., department "automation and control" - Development worker, KYBERNETES, s.r.o., Košice Graduation year: 2020 Ing. Adam Žilinský, PhD., department "Production technology" - Machine designer, ZTS VVÚ KOŠICE a.s., Košice
Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers
1/ Expression of authority from practice: Trade name: Swiss Aqua Technologies AG Registered office: Gewerbestrasse 9, 6330 Cham, Switzerland ID: CH- Legal form: Company limited by shares (AG) Statutory representative: Ondrej Sochor Authority from practice: Ing. Michal Špak, PhD. Job position: Manager of research and development department TUKE Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Field of study: Mechanical engineering Study program: Production technology Degree of study: third Academic title: PhD. Form of study: full-time Language of study: Slovak STATEMENT ON THE STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE STUDY PLAN The composition and content of the subjects and the way they are provided and evaluated correspond to the set outcomes and goals of education, and the compiled recommended study plans allow students to choose appropriate paths (trajectories) in their studies: - I agree STATEMENT ON THE PROFILE OF THE GRADUATE OF THE STUDY PROGRAM (ON THE OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES OF THE EDUCATION) The stated profile of the graduate with related goals and educational outcomes corresponds to the listed qualifications and occupations: - I agree STATEMENT ON THE APPLICATION OF GRADUATES IN PROFESSIONS AND THE QUALIFICATIONS OBTAINED BY THE GRADUATES Graduates of the study program are successfully employed in the listed occupations, where they use the acquired qualifications and there is/will be prospective interest in the graduates of this study program on the labor market: - I agree STATEMENT ON STAFFING OF THE STUDY PROGRAM Persons responsible for the study program, teachers and other personnel of the study program make it possible to achieve the set goals and outcomes of education: - I agree STATEMENT ON SPATIAL, MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL SECURITY OF THE STUDY PROGRAM AND SUPPORT The allocated resources in terms of spatial, material and technical provision of the study program guarantee the achievement of the set goals and outcomes of education: - I agree STATEMENT ON SECURING THE MONITORING AND EVALUATION SYSTEM OF THE STUDY PROGRAM The study program monitoring and evaluation system includes processes for obtaining feedback and provides sufficient information on the progress and outcomes of education so that adequate measures can be taken to maintain and improve the quality of the study program: - I agree GENERAL STATEMENT The study program fulfills sector-specific expectations, requirements of practice and the labor market: - I agree In Košice, on: 22.6.2022, Ing. Michal Špak, PhD. 2/ Expression of authority from practice: Business name: Magna PT s.r.o. Headquarters: Perínska cesta 282, Kechnec ID: 51286378 Legal form: s.r.o. Statutory representative: Ing. Martin Hluchý Authority from practice: Ing. Martin Nemec, PhD. Job position: Senior manager TUKE Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Field of study: Mechanical engineering Study program: Production technology Degree of study: third Academic title: PhD. Form of study: full-time Language of study: Slovak STATEMENT ON THE STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE STUDY PLAN The composition and content of the subjects and the way they are provided and evaluated correspond to the set outcomes and goals of education, and the compiled recommended study plans allow students to choose appropriate paths (trajectories) in their studies: - I agree STATEMENT ON THE PROFILE OF THE GRADUATE OF THE STUDY PROGRAM (ON THE OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES OF THE EDUCATION) The stated profile of the graduate with related goals and educational outcomes corresponds to the listed qualifications and occupations: - I agree STATEMENT ON THE APPLICATION OF GRADUATES IN PROFESSIONS AND THE QUALIFICATIONS OBTAINED BY THE GRADUATES Graduates of the study program are successfully employed in the listed occupations, where they use the acquired qualifications and there is/will be prospective interest in the graduates of this study program on the labor market: - I agree STATEMENT ON STAFFING OF THE STUDY PROGRAM Persons responsible for the study program, teachers and other personnel of the study program make it possible to achieve the set goals and outcomes of education: - I agree STATEMENT ON SPATIAL, MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL SECURITY OF THE STUDY PROGRAM AND SUPPORT The allocated resources in terms of spatial, material and technical provision of the study program guarantee the achievement of the set goals and outcomes of education: - I agree STATEMENT ON SECURING THE MONITORING AND EVALUATION SYSTEM OF THE STUDY PROGRAM The study program monitoring and evaluation system includes processes for obtaining feedback and provides sufficient information on the progress and outcomes of education so that adequate measures can be taken to maintain and improve the quality of the study program: - I agree GENERAL STATEMENT The study program fulfills sector-specific expectations, requirements of practice and the labor market: - I agree In Košice, on: 23.6.2022, Ing. Martin Nemec, PhD.
Structure and content of the study programme
Suggested study plan in the MIAS portalCurrent academic year plan and current schedule
Current academic year planCurrent schedule: MAIS portal
Persons responsible for the study programme
Person responsible for thequality of the study programme: prof. Ing. Jozef Svetlík, PhD.List of persons responsible for the profile courses:
- prof. Ing. Jozef Svetlík, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Marek Sukop, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Ján Kráľ, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Rudolf Jánoš, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Ján Semjon, PhD.
Student representatives: Ing. Jaroslav Melko
Study department
Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support
List and characteristics of the study programme classroomsLaboratories: Classrooms:
Characteristics of the information provision
Access to study literature and information databases is provided through the TUKE University Library: The library fund of UK TUKE consists of its own funds (books, scripts, anthologies, magazines, theses and electronic media). In 2022, the library fund consisted of 172,878 book units. The annual addition to the library is over 3,000 book units. The study room contains basic and supplementary study literature, magazines, anthologies, encyclopedias, language and educational dictionaries. Users have free access to them. As part of the lending services, users borrow approximately 5,000 book units annually. The university library has barrier-free access to 2 elevators and 2 barrier-free toilets. There are 650 study places and more than 300 places with electrical sockets for charging laptops and mobile phones. The library has 32 desktop computers with Internet connection, intranet, Wi-Fi network and access to databases of electronic periodicals. Through the library's Copycenter, students have access to printing and reprographic services provided on 12 printers, 3 of which are large-capacity for oversized printing. The library also has its own digitization workplace with a scanning robot, as well as a book scanner for the public, which is located in the study room. Currently, the library fund is being built not only on a physical level (print and USB, CD, DVD), but also a repository of digitized books from the library fund on the MediaINFO platform, containing over 600 titles, is being developed. Access to information technologies is ensured through ÚVT TUKE:
Access to study materials and documents is provided for each subject through the MS TEAMS application and also MOODLE. Electronic textbooks and scripts are also available to students through the portal
Institution partners
Partners from practice: MANEX s.r.o. Košice - partner offering participation in development and research. SCHILLER spol. with r. about. - a partner offering participation in development and research. Magna PT s.r.o. - a partner offering participation in development and research. CAD - Up International Prešov - partner offering participation in development and research. HM Transtech Prešov - partner offering participation in development and research. MTS Krivá - a partner offering participation in development and research. PLOSKON AT Prešov - partner offering participation in development and research. REGADA Prešov - partner offering participation in development and research. ZTS VVU Košice - partner offering participation in development and research. Robotec Sučany - partner offering participation in development and research. SENSOR Košice - a partner offering participation in development and research. SEZ Krompachy - partner offering participation in development and research. SMC INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION Bratislava - a partner offering participation in development and research. SPINEA Prešov - partner offering participation in development and research. Tesla Stropkov - partner offering participation in development and research. SWEP Slovakia s.r.o., Kechnec, Slovakia - partner offering participation in development and research. Academic partners: TU Liberec - cooperation in the field of internships within the Erasmus+ project and other work stays, material experiments VSB-TU FS Ostrava - cooperation in the field of internships within the Erasmus+ project and other work stays, cooperation in the field of inverse kinematics and robot control PIAP Warszawa - cooperation in th
Admission procedures
Required abilities and necessary admission requirementAdmission procedures
Results of the admission process over the last period