Study programme inžinierstvo prostredia

Basic information

Study programme in national registry: inžinierstvo prostredia
Guaranted by: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Study field: Mechanical Engineering
Level of degree: 3
Form of study: external
Degree: PhD.
Length of study in years: 5
Professionally oriented: No
Joint study programme: No
Languages of delivery: slovak language

Graduate profile

A graduate of the 3-rd degree of the study program "Environmental Engineering" masters the scientific methods of research and development of products and optimization of environmental quality, demonstrates the ability and readiness for independent creative and research activity in the field of environmental engineering. The graduate is able to abstract scientific problems while studying foreign professional literature, he/she is ready to shape trends and concepts for the development of the field of study with reference to methods of measuring and assessing environmental factors and product properties. The graduate is able to perform responsible professions as an independent creative designer, a development worker for optimizing product properties with regard to their impact on humans and the environment, as an independent creative worker for the design of measures eliminating negative impacts, who is able to generate new procedures and methods of measuring, monitoring, evaluating and objectifying environmental factors, also as a leader of interdisciplinary (mathematics, simulations, engineering, engineering, health) of work teams capable of working at an international level in technical research at universities, SAV and research laboratories. He/she can do scientific research and bring his/her own solutions to problems in the field of customer-oriented technical product quality and environmental quality and is able to creatively and systematically approach the solution of industrial practice problems (i.e. analyze, synthesize, deduce, induce individual elements of the system) and has the knowledge and prerequisites for work in the top management of organizations. He/she is able to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired through his/her studies in the field of process optimization, computer-supported technical means for simulation, data processing and transmission, and research and development in related fields of research, he/she masters modern mathematical and statistical methods, including computer simulations, and is able to use them creatively in his/her scientific work. He/she masters the scientific formulation of problem-solving, which he/she sees and understands in interdisciplinary contexts given by the technical, legal, economic, ethical and environmental aspects of the solved complex task.
Learning objectives
The aim of the education is to provide the graduate of the Environmental Engineering study program with advanced knowledge in the field of product quality, their impact on people and the environment, but also methods of objectification, evaluation and assessment of the environment, with a focus primarily on the field of metrology, measurement, and the design of technical solutions. Graduate acquires the ability to clearly formulate a scientific problem, subject and goal of research and development in the field of environmental engineering and solve the formulated problem with an awareness of social, ethical, legal and economic contexts of scientific work. After successfully completing his doctoral studies in the Environmental Engineering study program, he is able to carry out scientific research in order to gain new knowledge, develop new types of solutions focused on the properties of products and the environment, and implement their transfer into practice. He masters the scientific methods of research and development. According to his profile, graduate focuses on the development of new methods of measurement, monitoring, objectification and assessment of products and the environment, including customer-oriented properties, but also in the field of environmental management, processing of studies, assessments and processes of environmental impact assessment and their management. Graduate can use means and technology for identification, modelling, simulation, he can apply scientific methods of data processing. Explores new principles and methods. Graduate of the third degree is a specialist in a specific field of study, a scientific and research worker. He is prepared for the independent solution of challenging tasks in the field of the study program. Knowledge: The graduate has a systematic, comprehensive and comprehensive set of knowledge in a specialized field, including knowledge and understanding of relationships with other parts of the field, and with related fields, he has deep knowledge of theories, sophisticated methods and procedures of science and research at a level corresponding to international criteria. Skills : The graduate can acquire new knowledge and information in an active way, critically analyse and re-evaluate them and use them in theory and practical applications, he can apply and creatively improve and develop theories and research, development and innovation procedures in the field. He can create new procedures, with the integration of knowledge from various fields can identify global scientific and innovative developments in the field and in related fields and can use it in the direction and development of the field. Competences: The graduate is able to plan and initiate the solution of complex problems/projects, including the formulation of goals, means and methods in the given field, he is able to assess and modify his own professional activity in a wider context, in relation to the long-term impact in the given field, also from the point of view of environmental, technical, economic, social, ethical and other criteria. Graduate is ready to formulate qualified outputs and conclusions of scientific, research and development work at the international level and to manage large-scale research tasks and teams. Based on the above, the knowledge, skills and competences of the graduates correspond to the relevant level of the qualification framework in the European Higher Education Area.
Main learning outcomes
Graduate of the Environmental Engineering study program is able to carry out scientific research in order to gain new knowledge, develop new methodologies, simulation procedures and solutions and implement their transfer into practice. Graduate masters the scientific methods of research and development. According to his profile, he focuses on the development of new methods and means for identification, modelling, simulation and on the development of systems and means for their technical, informational, economic, business and managerial, assurance in relation to the quality of products and the environment. The graduate scientifically researches and brings his own solutions to problems in the field of customer-oriented technical product quality and environmental quality. Through research, he acquires new theoretical knowledge in the field of process optimization, computer-supported technical means for simulation, data processing and transmission, and research and development in related areas. Graduate knows modern mathematical and statistical methods, including computer simulations, and he can use them creatively in his scientific work. Graduate knows the scientific formulation of problem solving, which he sees and understands in interdisciplinary contexts given by the technical, legal, economic, ethical and environmental aspects of the solved complex task. Graduate is able to present the results of his scientific work in professional circles at the domestic and international level. Graduate examines the possibilities of their optimal use. The main areas of application on the Slovak and European labour market are: • in the field of research as research and development workers at universities, research institutes, research and development departments of companies in the field of measurement and monitoring, • consultancy-expert activities in the mentioned area, • establishing own companies in the field of measurement, assessment, design, data processing and environmental impact assessment
Professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion.


Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability
The main areas of application on the Slovak and European labour market are: - in the area of product quality management, - in the field of research as research and development workers at universities, research institutes, research and development departments of companies in the field of product and process quality management, - in the field of organization management as managers of quality, safety and environment management systems, - in business in the field of technical, informational, economic, entrepreneurial and managerial, assurance in relation to the quality of products and the environment, - consultancy-expert activities in the mentioned area, - establishing own research and design companies in the field of environmental protection and management and design of production operations.
Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers
See the filled-in form "Statement of authority from practice to SP" from the employers' representatives, which is attached to the description of the study program.

Structure and content of the study programme

Suggested study plan in the MIAS portal

Current academic year plan and current schedule

Current academic year plan
Current schedule: MAIS portal

Persons responsible for the study programme

Person responsible for thequality of the study programme: prof. Ing. Ervin Lumnitzer, PhD.
List of persons responsible for the profile courses: Study advisor: Ing. Miriama Piňosová, PhD.
Student representatives: Ing. Elena Lukáč Jurgovská
Study department

Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support

List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms
In addition to the classical lecture halls, the following laboratories are also available to ensure the study program (see: 1. Laboratory of environmental and chemical analyses (PK5/S02) - for advanced chemical analyses, quantitative and qualitative analyses, spectrometric and spectrophotometric analyzes and the development of methodology for the objectification of environmental chemical factors, analysis of their impact on humans in the working and living environment. 2. Laboratory of computer modeling and environmental simulations (PK5/004) - is focused on the modeling and simulation of physical and environmental factors and the creation of mathematical models and predictions of individual physical factors through the use of top software tools. 3.Laboratory of physical environmental factors I. (PK5/001) - serves to objectify physical factors, mainly noise, vibrations, electromagnetic field, and solid aerosols. 4.Laboratory of physical environmental factors II. (PK5/007) - has modern instrumentation and measuring technology, including computer equipment, necessary for analyses, expertise and subsequent evaluation of the investigated environmental parameters.
Characteristics of the information provision
Access to study literature and information databases is provided through the TUKE University Library: The library fund of the University of TUKE consists of its own funds (books, scripts, anthologies, journals, final theses and electronic media). In 2022, the library fund consisted of 172,878 book items. The annual addition to the library is over 3,000 book items. The study room contains basic and supplementary study literature, magazines, anthologies, encyclopaedias, language and educational dictionaries. Users have free access to them. As part of the lending services, users borrow approximately 5,000 book units annually. The university library has barrier-free access to 2 elevators and 2 barrier-free toilets. There are 650 study places and more than 300 places with electrical sockets for charging laptops and mobile phones. The library has 32 desktop computers with Internet connection, intranet, Wi-Fi network and access to databases of electronic periodicals. Through the library Copycenter, students have access to printing and reprographic services provided on 12 printers, 3 of which are large-capacity for oversized printing. The library also has its own digitization workplace with a scanning robot, as well as a book scanner for the public, which is located in the study room. Currently, the library fund is being built not only on a physical level (print and USB, CD, DVD), but also a repository of digitized books from the library fund on the MediaINFO platform, containing over 600 titles, is being developed. Access to information technologies is ensured through ÚVT TUKE:
In addition to the classic library collection, modern electronic resources with flexibly updatable study materials of various types are available to support TUKE study programs. Learning materials were created in the form of Power Point presentations, and learning materials (textbooks or scripts) in the format of „*.pdf“ and „*.doc“ files are updated and made available to the audience on an ongoing basis through the MS Teams application or on websites subjects or various pedagogical projects. The MS Teams video conference system is also available for distance education or for special cases:
Institution partners
The cooperation of the Department of Environmental Engineering (KIP) with industrial practice is a perspective for improving the qualifications of graduates of the IP study program who have the potential to develop and strengthen their theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The companies listed below are active partners of KIP in the realization of a PhD internship. students, consultations in the framework of doctoral dissertation solutions, etc.: Mondi SCP with headquarters in Ružomberok Public Health Office of the Slovak Republic US Steel Košice (US Steel Košice, s.r.o.) TRUMPF Slovakia, a.s. Bratislava City Council National Road Company SSC - Slovak Road Administration Whirlpool Slovakia spol. s .r.o BSH Slovakia Esprit, spol. Ltd

Admission procedures

Required abilities and necessary admission requirement
Admission procedures
Results of the admission process over the last period