Habilitation and inauguration subject strojárske technológie a materiály

Basic information

Guaranted by: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Study field: Mechanical Engineering
Academic degrees: doc. prof.
Scientific board of faculty
Link to current hablitation and inaugural criteria
A link to the previous text with an indication of validity
Rules and procedures of the habilitation procedure and the inauguration
Link to completed procedures and their results
Additional information on faculty web

Persons responsible for the habilitation and inauguration subject


The field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure includes knowledge related to research and development of engineering technologies and construction materials. Research is focused on the basic technologies of welding, forming, joining, plastic processing, casting, machining and surface treatment of materials. Complementary technologies are powder metallurgy and heat treatment. Part of the research in the field of engineering technology is the optimization of the parameters of selected processes of forming, welding, joining, casting, machining, processing of plastics. The optimization of technological parameters is realized on the basis of creating models, computer simulations, verifying the results of simulations and testing mechanical and plastic properties. Materials research is focused on progressive metal, plastic, ceramic and composite materials with a focus on the connection between structure, preparation parameters and properties and on the application possibilities of the developed materials. The habilitation and inaugural student is able to solve scientific tasks of basic and applied research in the field of engineering technologies and progressive construction materials. He will acquire skills with modeling and numerical simulation of technological processes and procedures in the optimization of their parameters. He is able to design and analyze materials for demanding industrial applications. Creativity in the field is characterized by independent, critical and analytical thinking, its use in the current conditions of the field, presenting the outputs of creative activity in front of the domestic and foreign scientific and professional communities. It is characterized by engineering and scientific skills, integrity of scientific research, interpretation and presentation of its results. Creative activity in the field results from a qualified evaluation of the results of research and development, the ability to formulate new hypotheses and strategies for further research and development of the field. The core topics of the HK and IK department are mechanical engineering and technology, materials and limit states of materials. Awarded title: doc., prof.

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