Habilitation and inauguration subject energetické stroje a zariadenia

Basic information

Guaranted by: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Study field: Mechanical Engineering
Academic degrees: doc. prof.
Scientific board of faculty
Link to current hablitation and inaugural criteria
A link to the previous text with an indication of validity
Rules and procedures of the habilitation procedure and the inauguration
Link to completed procedures and their results
Additional information on faculty web

Persons responsible for the habilitation and inauguration subject


The habilitation and inauguration procedures in the Power Machines and Equipment study program is characterised by research and development in the field of thermal technology, hydrogen technology, thermal processing of wastes, and application of numerical simulations in the field of heat and mass transfer and flow. The research carried out within these disciplines is oriented on hydrogen production and storage, designing tanks for hydrogen storage at low pressure, efficient hydrogen compression while using metal hydride materials, hydrogen separation from syngases and thermal management for managing power processes. The material research is oriented on investigating into the storage capacity of adsorptive and absorptive materials used for hydrogen storage, as well as procedures for thermal processing using plasma technology. Research and development in the field of thermal technology, hydrogen technology and thermal processing of wastes is facilitated by utilisation of laboratory technology and software applications intended for data processing and analysis. Habilitated associate professors and inaugurated professors are capable of solving scientific tasks within the basic and applied research and development in the field of power machines and equipment. They are able to use their critical, independent and analytical thinking when solving scientific issues in unforeseeable and changing conditions. They take into consideration the social, scientific and ethical aspects when determining further development in the given technical discipline. They possess the skills of modelling, experimental measuring and working in research laboratories. They demonstrate their competency and readiness for autonomous creative and research activities in the field of power engineering. Creativity in this discipline is characterised by planning one’s own development in the context of scientific and technological progress and presentation of the outputs of one’s own creative activities to the communities of scientists and experts on the national and international levels. They possess relevant engineering and scientific skills, demonstrate integrity in scientific research and are able to interpret and present their own outputs. Creative activities in this discipline is based on qualified evaluation of the results of research and development and their ability for formulate new hypotheses and strategies for further research and development in this field of science. The key topics studied within in the habilitation and inauguration procedures include hydrogen technologies, thermal processing of wastes using plasma technology, innovative procedures in using numerical methods and simulations in the field of heat and mass transfer and flow. Awarded title: doc., prof.

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