Habilitation and inauguration subject aplikovaná mechanika
Basic information
Guaranted by: Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringStudy field: Mechanical Engineering
Academic degrees: doc. prof.
Scientific board of faculty
Link to current hablitation and inaugural criteria
A link to the previous text with an indication of validity
Rules and procedures of the habilitation procedure and the inauguration
Link to completed procedures and their results
Additional information on faculty web
Persons responsible for the habilitation and inauguration subject
- prof. Ing. Jozef Bocko, CSc.
- prof. Ing. Ivan Virgala, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Peter Frankovský, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Miroslav Pástor, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Martin Hagara, PhD.
The field of applied mechanics is focused on solving theoretical and practical problems, especially in the following areas of mechanics: - Development and improvement of analytical and numerical calculation methods (finite element method, boundary element method, meshless methods), modeling theory and analysis of mechanical systems and structures, constitutive relations with an emphasis on linear and non-linear behavior of materials, conditions of limit states of materials and bodies, mechanics of composites, smart and MEMS materials, analysis of tension, bound deformations and dynamic response of selected classes of bodies including composite bodies, inverse tasks of mechanics of bodies and identification of material, technological and other parameters, modeling of tension and deformations of selected technological processes (e.g. sheet metal forming, forging , extrusion, welding, change of state, stability of structures.), optimization and contact tasks, interaction of structures and the environment, expert systems, mechanics of micro- and nanosystems, dynamics of interactive and mechatronic systems, dynamics of vehicles and machinery, solving selected vibroak problems joints, stability and dynamics of building constructions, biomechanics, application of numerical methods for radiation and light propagation, solution of bound electro-thermo-mechanical problems, fracture mechanics, durability and reliability of constructions. - Applied mechanics of liquids and gases: theory of flow of compressible and incompressible liquids, flow of gases and vapors, unsteady flow and shock, flow in hydraulic and energy machines and devices, interaction of structures and liquids, computer methods for solving mechanics of liquids and gases. - Applied thermomechanics: transfer of heat and matter, thermodynamic problems of metallurgical, foundry construction and electrotechnical technologies and heat treatment, coupled problems of heat transfer and mechanics of structures, applications in the field of design of thermal and electrical machines, building structures and equipment, application of the solution of thermal fields and their effects in high-current elements and devices, production and distribution of electrical energy (classical and nuclear energy) and in lighting technology. Computer methods for solving heat and mass transfer. - Experimental mechanics: development and application of existing methods and development of new methods, mechanical, optical and acoustic methods of verification of physical characteristics of materials and structures, testing of mechanical models and structures in situ, interactive diagnostics of mechanical phenomena by experimental and numerical methods, development of experimental methods of verification of human protection and constructions against noise and vibrations from traffic and technology. Awarded title: doc., prof.List of 3rd-degree study programs in the same field of study:
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