Habilitation and inauguration subject stavebníctvo
Basic information
Guaranted by: Faculty of Civil EngineeringStudy field: Civil Engineering
Academic degrees: doc. prof.
Scientific board of faculty
Link to current hablitation and inaugural criteria
A link to the previous text with an indication of validity
Rules and procedures of the habilitation procedure and the inauguration
Link to completed procedures and their results
Additional information on faculty web
Persons responsible for the habilitation and inauguration subject
- prof. Ing. Mária Kozlovská, CSc.
- prof. Ing. Peter Mésároš, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Alena Sičáková, PhD.
- Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Martina Zeleňáková, PhD.
- prof. RNDr. Adriana Eštoková, PhD.
The field develops scientific aspects of basic and applied research focused on technological, material, environmental, economic and managerial aspects of the construction industry. It thoroughly makes reasearch and analyzes the latest trends in science and technology in the area of buildings, transport, water and environmental constructions, applying holistic solutions approaches that take into account complex architectural-structural, material, spatial, technical, technological and operational solutions of constructions, their location in the environment, including qualitative, environmental, economic, social,safety, energy and legal contexts. By implementing the latest digitization and virtualization environments, as well as sophisticated laboratory equipment and evaluation methodologies, creative activities in the field explore and develop the potential of both process and product innovations, improving the sustainability of buildings throughout their life cycle. The outputs of basic and applied research lead to socially applicable solutions, creating prerequisites for increasing the competitiveness of the Slovak construction industry in global conditions.List of 3rd-degree study programs in the same field of study:
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