Habilitation and inauguration subject biomedicínske inžinierstvo
Basic information
Guaranted by: Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringStudy field: Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Academic degrees: doc. prof.
Scientific board of faculty
Link to current hablitation and inaugural criteria
A link to the previous text with an indication of validity
Rules and procedures of the habilitation procedure and the inauguration
Link to completed procedures and their results
Additional information on faculty web
Persons responsible for the habilitation and inauguration subject
- Dr. h. c. mult. prof. Ing. Jozef Živčák, DrSc., MPH
- prof. Ing. Radovan Hudák, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Teodor Tóth, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Tatiana Kelemenová, PhD.
- doc. RNDr. Andrea Feňovčíková, PhD.
The department of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure Biomedical engineering contains knowledge related to research and development in the field of materials, additive manufacturing and metrology. Within the given areas, research is more focused on the area of biocompatible and biodegradable materials for the additive manufacturing of implants, metrology in mechanical engineering and biomedical engineering, and the application of progressive techniques and technologies within the field of Prosthetics and Orthotics focused on the design and production of medical devices. Control of the proposed design and production is supported by appropriate laboratory technology in the form of computer tomography, coordinate measurement and 3D scanning, and software applications designed for data processing and analysis. Material research is oriented towards the development of polymer materials used in biomedical applications, based on PLA/PHB and PEEK with additives from other plastic and ceramic materials. The habilitation and inaugural student is able to solve scientific tasks of basic and applied research in the field of Biomedical Engineering and progressive biomaterials. He will acquire skills with modelling, additive technologies, measurement and work in a culture laboratory. He is able to design products for biomedical practice, analyze complex processes in additive manufacturing for biomedical engineering and evaluate the obtained measurement data. Creativity in the field is characterized by independent, critical and analytical thinking, its use in the current conditions of the field, presenting the outputs of creative activity in front of the domestic and foreign scientific and professional communities. It is characterized by engineering and scientific skills, integrity of scientific research, interpretation and presentation of its results. Creative activity in the field results from a qualified evaluation of the results of research and development, the ability to formulate new hypotheses and strategies for further research and development of the field. The core topics of the HK and IK department are additive technologies and materials, implant production, measurement and tissue engineering. Awarded title: doc., prof.List of 3rd-degree study programs in the same field of study:
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