Study programme mineralurgia a environmentálne technológie
Basic information
Study programme in national registry: mineralurgia a environmentálne technológieGuaranted by: Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies
Study field: Extraction and Processing of Earth Resources
Level of degree: 3
Form of study: present
Degree: PhD.
Length of study in years: 3
Professionally oriented: No
Joint study programme: No
Languages of delivery: english language, slovak language
Graduate profile
DescriptionThe graduate of the Mineralogy and Environmental Technologies study program has knowledge of scientific methods of research and development in the field of obtaining and processing earth resources (modeling of mineralogy processes, design of mineralogy technologies, methods of spectral analysis). He understands the physical and chemical nature of the processes used within his specialization and their impact on the complexity and difficulty of the technology. The graduate can formulate and create new hypotheses, judgments, and strategies for further research and development of the field of study and the study program. He applies his own findings of his theoretical analysis and his complex scientific research to solve problems in this field. He is able to design, verify and implement new research and work procedures from the identified outputs. He applies the chosen methods in the search for innovative technologies (bio and nanotechnologies). Graduates of the study program are able to work in organizations dealing with monitoring and evaluating the state of the environment, issues of waste management, and environmental impact assessment. A possible application is in the state and private sphere - in state administration, local self-government, related to the environment, in industrial enterprises whose activity is related to the processing of raw materials, in various environmental organizations, and in scientific institutions.
Learning objectives
The graduate follows up his studies in the same program in the second-degree, or second-degree studies of an accredited program in one of the related fields of study. By studying selected theoretical and technological subjects as well as scientific and professional literature (usually in some world language), he acquires and analyzes the latest knowledge in the field of mineralogy and environmental technologies or other sciences. By synthesizing them, he evaluates the current state of the issue (defined by the topic of the doctoral thesis) and proposes the method(s) of its solution. He masters modern scientific methods of theoretical and experimental research and knows how to apply them in such a way that the achieved results and conclusions obtained during research in the given issue are an original contribution to the development of the scientific field and/or to practice. FBERG TUKE respects the diversity of students by allowing the student to choose the topics of assignments and projects, as well as the topic of the final thesis, the option of choosing mandatory elective subjects, choosing the place of implementation of the internship, creating solving teams when processing projects and assignments, while students themselves create a function in the solving the collective. FBERG TUKE creates a closer link between the study program and the demands of the labor market by defining educational outcomes, which enables students to make informed choices. Mandatory optional subjects are equivalent subjects and profile the knowledge and competencies of the graduate of the doctoral study program mineralogy and environmental technologies. The structure of the subjects of the study program is designed so that the doctoral graduate acquires extensive knowledge and skills that will enable him to analyze, model, assess, and evaluate processes related to the treatment and processing of primary and secondary raw materials. The acquired knowledge in the field of technical and natural science disciplines will enable graduates to develop and use more perfect and thus more effective raw material treatment technologies. To a large extent, these will be innovations of existing physical treatment technologies commonly used today, but non-traditional technologies - based on physico-chemical, chemical, and biological principles (chemical technologies, biotechnology, etc.) will be increasingly promoted. Graduates will be able to apply their knowledge of technologies (developed and applied in the treatment of primary raw materials) to environmental technologies, e.g. during the treatment and purification of water and air, during processing, or recycling of waste - secondary raw materials (recycling of car wrecks, electronic devices, etc., but also municipal waste in developed societies, using traditional treatment technologies). Graduates of the mineralogy and environmental technologies study program find employment within the aforementioned field (especially the field of raw materials processing, water treatment, and purification, air protection, waste management, waste recycling, and assessment of the impact of pollution on environmental components) in both the state and private spheres.
Main learning outcomes
A graduate of the doctoral study program in mineralogy and environmental technology is able to: 1. To demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the mineralogy and environmental technologies study program, which follows on from their knowledge from engineering studies and is typically at the level of advanced textbooks supplemented with selected aspects of the latest knowledge from the field of obtaining and processing earth resources, in the mineralogy and environmental study program technology. 2. He can use his knowledge and expertise in the field of technical and natural science disciplines, from the application of environmental, economic, legislative, and social aspects in planning and decision-making, in the management of environmental processes by taking into account the components of the environment and their understanding in a way that indicates a professional approach to work and to the profession. He has competencies usually demonstrated by making and defending arguments and solving problems, specific tasks in the field of study of the mineralogy and environmental technologies study program. The graduate controls and knows how to choose specific scientific methods of basic and applied research in mineralogy. It focuses on technological, informational, economic, and environmental aspects, depending on its professional profile. 3. Has the ability to acquire and interpret relevant data and facts in the field of study in the mineralogy and environmental technologies study program and to make ethically and socially responsible decisions based on them. 4. Can communicate and present information, concepts, principles, problems, and solutions to professional and lay audiences. 5. Has the developed educational skills necessary to continue further studies with a high degree of independence. 6. Will be able to promote technical, social, or cultural progress in a knowledge-based society in an academic and professional context. He applies his own findings of his theoretical analysis and his complex scientific research to solve problems in this field. Based on his outputs and findings, he can design, verify and implement new research and work procedures. He practically controls the selected research methods and uses them in the search for new technologies (bio and nanotechnologies), technical details, and important interactive system connections.
Professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion.
- Odborný radca v štátnej správe a samospráve
- Inšpektor pre spracovanie priemyselného odpadu
- Technický pracovník spracovania surovín
- Špecialista technológ pre úpravu pitnej vody
- Špecialista technológ spracovania surovín
- Hlavný radca pre oblasti nakladania s odpadmi
Evaluation of the study programme graduates employabilityYear: 2018 Source: Due to the low number of graduates, no application data is available. Year: 2019 Source: Due to the low number of graduates, no application data is available.
Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers
The study program at FBERG TUKE is fully implemented with the needs of real practice. Since the communication between education at FBERG TUKE and employers is continuous, it consists in solving joint projects with the involvement of students, in solving research tasks of a commercial nature, using company professionals in the process of completing studies by membership in state examination commissions at the relevant level of higher education. The faculty reflects the demands of employers of graduates of the given study program and critically evaluates them with trends abroad.
Structure and content of the study programme
Suggested study plan in the MIAS portalCurrent academic year plan and current schedule
Current academic year planCurrent schedule: MAIS portal
Persons responsible for the study programme
Person responsible for thequality of the study programme: prof. Ing. Jiří Škvarla, CSc.List of persons responsible for the profile courses:
- prof. Ing. Jiří Škvarla, CSc.
- prof. Ing. Martin Sisol, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Bc. Tomáš Bakalár, PhD., Ing.-Paed.IGIP
- doc. Mgr. Mária Kaňuchová, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Ľubica Kozáková, PhD.
Student representatives: Ing. Ema Gánovská
Study department
Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support
List and characteristics of the study programme classroomsThe following laboratories and a semi-operational hall are used to ensure the teaching process: The semi-operational hall – is equipped with functional devices for treatment (e.g. crushing, grinding) and separation (magnetic, gravity separation, flotation, etc.) of minerals and waste as secondary raw materials. A physical laboratory that is equipped for several types of rock sample separations (prepares rock samples for the quantitative determination of selected elements on AAS, prepares rock samples for X-ray analysis and IR spectrometry, and prepares a complete silicate analysis). Chemical laboratory with accessories for classical chemical analysis (digester, 2 dryers, muffle furnace, distillation apparatus, centrifuge, 3 digital analytical scales with accuracy to 2 and 4 tenths, etc.). The analytical laboratory is equipped with an atomic absorption spectrometer for chemical analysis of about 20 elements (fy Perkin-Elmer, USA). Surface characterization laboratory with instruments for measuring solid surfaces (wetting angle measuring instrument, polarizing microscope). Laboratory of surface chemical analysis - equipped with an XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectrometer) device for surface chemical analysis of particles.
Characteristics of the information provision
For the development of the study program, the departments of the Technical University of Košice (TUKE) use the rich library fund of the University Library (UK), the mission of which is the information security of scientific research and the pedagogical process at TUKE. The digital library of the UK ( is also available to TUKE students and employees, which provides: lending services; consulting services; reference services; digital services; MVS and MKVS service; education and training for writing theses. Library services are concentrated in UK TUKE, which include all activities from searching in the library fund to searching for information in the online catalog and available databases (Springer Link, Science Direct, IEEExplore, etc.), to making specific documents available in print or electronic form in the UK fund (the total number of documents is 186966, of which 64228 books, 40046 textbooks, 7779 anthologies, 6341 bound periodicals, 7718 electronic documents, 31846 final and qualification theses). Students have access to the Internet on the school premises and in the dormitories via a WiFi connection, which allows them unrestricted access to library services. The MAIS academic information system ensures the entry, processing and provision of information about the admissions process (submission of the application, results, overviews), about the study (subject information sheets, timetable, registration for exams, results of interim and final evaluations, submission of final theses, assessments for final theses, etc.). Overview of available study literature:
In addition to the classic library collection, modern electronic resources with flexible updatable study materials of various types are available for TUKE study programs. Both teaching materials and e-learning teaching materials (textbooks or scripts) were created. All are available in CD form or in LM systems, e.g. Other teaching materials are also available in the faculty LMS, or on the websites of subjects or various pedagogical projects. The CISCO Webex video conference system is also available for distance education in the event of an emergency or other exceptional cases at the link:
Institution partners
Partners: ÚGt SAS – participation in the teaching process, participation in scientific-research cooperation, cooperation in solving final theses, participation in commissions at state final exams GREEN VIEW p. r. about. - participation in the teaching process, participation in scientific-research cooperation, cooperation in solving final theses EUROTALC s.r.o. – cooperation in organizing excursions, participation in scientific research cooperation, cooperation in solving final theses Slovenská Banská, spol. Ltd. - cooperation in organizing excursions, participation in scientific research cooperation, cooperation in solving final theses DIAMO, state enterprise - cooperation in organizing excursions, participation in scientific research cooperation, cooperation in solving final theses
Admission procedures
Required abilities and necessary admission requirementAdmission procedures
Results of the admission process over the last period