Study programme ekonomika zemských zdrojov

Basic information

Study programme in national registry: ekonomika zemských zdrojov
Guaranted by: Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies
Study field: Extraction and Processing of Earth Resources
Level of degree: 3
Form of study: external
Degree: PhD.
Length of study in years: 4
Professionally oriented: No
Joint study programme: No
Languages of delivery: english language, slovak language

Graduate profile

The study program Economy of Earth Resources will provide graduates a broader professional profile with comprehensive, high-quality knowledge, for handling a multicultural environment, managerial skills, with the prerequisites for successfully managing a business, taking into account the specifics of investments in earth resources and innovative technologies for obtaining and processing earth resources, with the possibility of applying as a qualified manager at higher levels of company management, or to work as an independent expert in specialized departments of the company, primarily in the department of economics and marketing, financial department, management and development of human resources and project management of the company. The cross-sectional nature of the management of earth resources, as well as the current development of the world economy, the emergence of large corporations, chains of companies and thus the large movement of goods, at the meta (global), macro (inter-enterprise), micro (intra-enterprise) level, show the need and application of graduates in real economic practice, on the labor market in the Slovak Republic and within Europe, because it is a transparent study program aimed at managing all aspects of a enterprise within business and management in general.
Learning objectives
A graduate of the doctoral studies of the Economy of Earth Resources study program will acquire knowledge and skills in the field of technical disciplines, in the field of business economics and management, informatics and statistics, which can be used in business planning and decision-making. FBERG TUKE respects the diversity of students by allowing the student to choose the topics of semester assignments and projects, as well as the topic of the final thesis, the option of choosing mandatory elective subjects, by choosing the place of implementation of the internship, creating solution teams when processing projects and assignments, while students themselves create a function in the solving team. FBERG TUKE creates a closer link between the study program and labor market requirements by defining learning outcomes. Mandatory optional subjects are equivalent subjects and profile the knowledge and competences of a graduate of the doctoral study program in the Economy of Earth Resources. The structure of the subjects of the study program is designed so that the graduate of the doctoral study program in the Economy of Earth Resources acquires extensive knowledge and skills that will enable him to analyze, model, simulate and evaluate the business activities of a company doing business with earth resources, evaluate and solve complex problems of business management, manage business from the point of view of environmental, legislative, economic and social aspects of business. A graduate of the doctoral study program Economy of Earth Resource is a well-educated graduate with comprehensive, high-quality knowledge, managing a multicultural environment, managerial skills, with the prerequisites for successfully managing a business from the point of view of business management, taking into account the specifics of investments in earth resources and innovative technologies for acquisition and processing earth resources. A graduate of the doctoral study program in the Economy of Earth Resources has the opportunity to work as a qualified manager at higher levels of company management, or to work as an independent expert in specialized departments of the company, primarily in the department of economics and marketing, financial department, management and development of human resources and project management of the company. The need for graduates in real economic practice is due to the current development of the world economy, the emergence of large corporations, chains of companies and thus the large movement of goods, at the meta (global), macro (inter-company), micro (intra-company) level. Graduates of the doctoral study program in the Economy of Earth Resources have the opportunity to apply mainly on the labor market in the Slovak Republic and within Europe, because it is a transparent study program focused on business management within the framework of business with earth resources.
Main learning outcomes
A graduate of the doctoral study program in Economy of Earth Resources is able to: 1. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of knowledge in the field of study Acquisition and processing of Earth Resources in the study program Economy of Earth Resources, and acquire the skills and methods of scientific research, corresponding to the current state of knowledge in the field, which follows on from their knowledge from the engineering study of the study program Management of Earth Resources and they are typically at the level of advanced textbooks supplemented with selected aspects of the latest knowledge in the field of study Acquisition and processing of Earth Resources in the study program Economy of Earth Resources. 2. Demonstrate the ability to conceive, construct, implement and modify a substantial part of research using knowledge and skills from the field of technical and natural science disciplines, from the application of environmental, economic, legislative and social aspects in planning and decision-making of the company, from the field of project management, from the field of application new, modern information technologies in business management with scientific integrity and their understanding in a way that indicates a professional approach to work and profession. He/she has competences usually demonstrated by putting and defending arguments and solving problems, specific tasks in the field of study Acquisition and processing of Earth Resources of the study program Economy of Earth Resources. 3. Contribute with original research to the expansion of the boundaries of scientific knowledge through an extensive set of works in which he demonstrates the ability to obtain and interpret relevant data, facts in the field of study of the study program Economy of Earth Resources, some of which are suitable for peer-reviewed publication at the national or international level and contribute so to ethically and socially responsible business. 4. Be capable of critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex concepts, able to communicate information, principles, problems and solutions to professional and lay audiences. 5. To be able to communicate with colleagues, the wider scientific community and the lay public, one's field of research and to be able in academic and professional life to support the technical, social and cultural development of society, based on scientific knowledge. Profile subjects (marked in IS MAIS): 1st grade: - Earth resources (Cehlár) - Alternative energy sources (Taušová) - Economics of the industry (Domaracka) - Financial processes (Čulková) - Financial management (Čulková) - Innovative technologies for acquiring and processing earth resources (Domaracká) - Macroeconomics (Domaracka) - Managerial accounting (Taušová) - Business management (Khouri) - Marketing (Čulková) - Evaluation of earth resources (Cehlár) - Business plan and innovations (Taušová) - Assessing the effectiveness of investments (Cehlár) - Project management (Khouri) - Strategic management and decision-making (Khouri)
Professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion.


Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability
Year: 2018 Source: Due to the low number of graduates, no application data is available. Year: 2019 Source: Due to the low number of graduates, no application data is available.
Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers
The study program at FBERG TUKE is fully implemented with the needs of real practice. Since the communication between education at FBERG TUKE and employers is continuous, it consists in solving joint projects with the involvement of students, in solving research tasks of a commercial nature, it uses professionals from companies in the process of completing studies by membership in state examination commissions at the relevant level of higher education, the faculty reflects the demands of employers graduates of the given study program and critically evaluates them with trends abroad. Companies: The partner - the company Nafta a.s., issues a favorable opinion on the compliance of the obtained qualifications of the graduates of the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies of the Technical University of Košice (FBERG TUKE) with the sector-specific requirements for the performance of the profession. Partner – company Slovenská banská, spol. s.r.o., issues a favorable opinion on the compliance of the obtained qualifications of the graduates of the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies of the Technical University of Košice (FBERG TUKE) with the sector-specific requirements for the performance of the profession. The partner - company EUROVIA - Kameňolomy, s.r.o., issues a favorable opinion on the compliance of the obtained qualifications of the graduates of the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies of the Technical University of Košice (FBERG TUKE) with the sector-specific requirements for the performance of the profession. The partner - the company Carmeuse Slovakia s.r.o., issues a favorable opinion on the compliance of the obtained qualifications of the graduates of the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies of the Technical University of Košice (FBERG TUKE) with the sector-specific requirements for the performance of the profession. The partner - the company LB MINERALS SK, s.r.o., issues a favorable opinion on the compliance of the obtained qualifications of the graduates of the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies of the Technical University of Košice (FBERG TUKE) with the sector-specific requirements for the performance of the profession. The partner - EURO KAMEŇ s.r.o., issues a favorable opinion on the compliance of the obtained qualifications of the graduates of the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies of the Technical University of Košice (FBERG TUKE) with the sector-specific requirements for the performance of the profession. The partner - the company EUROTALC s.r.o., issues a favorable opinion on the compliance of the obtained qualifications of the graduates of the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies of the Technical University of Košice (FBERG TUKE) with the sector-specific requirements for the performance of the profession. The partner - the National Highway Company, issues a favorable opinion on the compliance of the obtained qualifications of the graduates of the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies of the Technical University of Košice (FBERG TUKE) with the sector-specific requirements for the performance of the profession. The partner - the company KOSIT a.s., issues a favorable opinion on the compliance of the obtained qualifications of the graduates of the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies of the Technical University of Košice (FBERG TUKE) with the sector-specific requirements for the performance of the profession. The partner - the company Deutsche Telekom Systems Solutions Slovakia s.r.o. issues a favorable opinion on the compliance of the obtained qualifications of the graduates of the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies of the Technical University of Košice (FBERG TUKE) with the sector-specific requirements for the performance of the profession. Partner – company KOOPERATIVA poisťovňa. a.s., issues a supporting opinion on the compliance of the obtained qualifications of graduates of the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies of the Technical University of Košice (FBERG TUKE) with sector-specific requirements for the performance of the profession. Partner – European Commission, DG Grow and EIT RawMaterials issue a supporting opinion on compliance of the obtained qualifications of graduates of the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies of the Technical University of Košice (FBERG TUKE) with sector-specific requirements for the performance of the profession. The partner - the city of Banská Štiavnica, issues a supporting opinion on the compliance of the obtained qualifications of the graduates of the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies of the Technical University of Košice with the sector-specific requirements for the performance of the profession.

Structure and content of the study programme

Suggested study plan in the MIAS portal

Current academic year plan and current schedule

Current academic year plan
Current schedule: MAIS portal

Persons responsible for the study programme

Person responsible for thequality of the study programme: Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Michal Cehlár, PhD.
List of persons responsible for the profile courses: Study advisor: Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Michal Cehlár, PhD.
Student representatives: Ing. Mária Fulajtárová
Study department

Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support

List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms
In addition to FBERG lecture halls and classrooms, the following laboratories are also available to support the study program: A laboratory for acquiring earth resources equipped with a model technological park analogous to real operations and a measuring apparatus for recording the location of objects in space. The modeling apparatus enables the transformation of map materials into 3D form, the execution of modifications and, subsequently, the virtualization of an object or situation: Computer laboratory PC1, PC technology, statistical, economic, simulation and modeling software equipment. EDC FBERG - EDC Laboratory (Excellence Digital Center FBERG). The semi-operational hall – is equipped with functional devices for treatment (e.g. crushing, grinding) and separation (magnetic, gravity separation, flotation, etc.) of minerals and waste as secondary raw materials. More information is available on the website and in the legislation of the faculty:
Characteristics of the information provision
For the development of the study program, the departments of the Technical University of Košice (TUKE) use the rich library fund of the University Library (UK), the mission of which is the information security of scientific research and the pedagogical process at TUKE. The digital library of the UK ( is also available to TUKE students and employees, which provides: lending services; consulting services; reference services; digital services; MVS and MKVS service; education and training for writing theses. Library services are concentrated in UK TUKE, which include all activities from searching in the library fund to searching for information in the online catalog and available databases (Springer Link, Science Direct, IEEExplore, etc.), to making specific documents available in print or electronic form in the UK fund (the total number of documents is 186966, of which 64228 books, 40046 textbooks, 7779 anthologies, 6341 bound periodicals, 7718 electronic documents, 31846 final and qualification theses). Students have access to the Internet on the school premises and in the dormitories via a WiFi connection, which allows them unrestricted access to library services. The MAIS academic information system ensures the entry, processing and provision of information about the admissions process (submission of the application, results, overviews), about the study (subject information sheets, timetable, registration for exams, results of interim and final evaluations, submission of final theses, assessments for final theses, etc.). Overview of available study literature:
In addition to the classic library collection, modern electronic resources with flexibly updatable study materials of various types are available for TUKE study programs. Both teaching materials and e-learning teaching materials (textbooks or scripts) were created. All are available in CD form or in LM systems, e.g. Other teaching materials are also available in the faculty LMS, or on the websites of subjects or various pedagogical projects. The CISCO Webex video conference system is also available for distance education in the event of an emergency or other exceptional cases at the link:
Institution partners
List of partners participating in selected lectures and seminars of block teaching, professional practice and consultation of final theses of students of the study program: Ing. Jozef Levoča, MBA - company: Nafta a.s., email: Ing. Ivan Bača - company: Slovenská banská, spol. s r.o., email: Ing. Ľudovít Kováč - company: EUROVIA - Kameňolomy, s.r.o., email: Ing. Peter Sabol - company: Carmeuse Slovakia s.r.o., email: Ing. Henrich Hamrák - company: LB MINERALS SK, s.r.o., email: Ing. Ján Mucha - company: EURO KAMEŇ s.r.o., email: Dipl. Ing. Bernhard Gutternigg - company: EUROTALC s.r.o., email: Július Hodermarský - company: AMETYS, s.r.o. Košice, email: Mgr. Zdeno Gossányi - company: KOOPERATIVA poisťovňa. a.s., email: Ing. Milan Grohol, PhD. - company: European Commission, DG Grow, email: Krzysztof Kubacki - company: EIT RawMaterials, email: Ing. Vladimír Jacko, PhD., MBA, Ing. Paed IGIP - company: National Highway Company, email: Ing. Marián Christenko - company: KOSIT a.s., email: Ing. Kamila Bačová - company: Deutsche Telekom Systems Solutions Slovakia s.r.o., email: Mgr. Nadežda Babiaková - city of Banská Štiavnica, email: Ing. Rastislav Trnka - Košice self-governing region, email:

Admission procedures

Required abilities and necessary admission requirement
Admission procedures
Results of the admission process over the last period